Classic Design Painting
Classic design painting in black and red with 3 white crosses
These paintings are available in both portrait and landscape orientations and are available in a wide range of sizes.
Each painting is made-to-order and takes between 3-5 working days to create. The painting can either be collected or delivered to you in person if you live in Amsterdam, or shipped worldwide if you live elsewhere.
For sizes and prices see below - for more information or if you have any questions please get in touch...
These paintings are available in both portrait and landscape orientations and are available in a wide range of sizes.
Each painting is made-to-order and takes between 3-5 working days to create. The painting can either be collected or delivered to you in person if you live in Amsterdam, or shipped worldwide if you live elsewhere.
For sizes and prices see below - for more information or if you have any questions please get in touch...
Classic Design (No Border)
Classic Design with Wrap-Around Red Edges
"Miniature - "18cm x 24cm x 1.5cm - €42 + Postage (Available Online)
"Small" - 30cm x 40cm x 1.5cm - €64 + Postage
"Medium" - 70cm x 100cm x 1.5cm - €120 + Postage
"Large" - 100cm x 150cm x 4cm - €320 + Postage
"Small" - 30cm x 40cm x 1.5cm - €64 + Postage
"Medium" - 70cm x 100cm x 1.5cm - €120 + Postage
"Large" - 100cm x 150cm x 4cm - €320 + Postage
Classic Design with
Black and Gold Border
Black and Gold Border
Classic Design with Black & Gold Michael Carlton Border
"Small" - 30cm x 40cm x 1.5cm - €64 + Postage
"Medium" - 70cm x 100cm x 1.5cm - €120 + Postage
"Large" - 100cm x 150cm x 4cm - €320 + Postage
Available in both portrait and landscape orientations - for more information and to place an order Click Here
"Medium" - 70cm x 100cm x 1.5cm - €120 + Postage
"Large" - 100cm x 150cm x 4cm - €320 + Postage
Available in both portrait and landscape orientations - for more information and to place an order Click Here